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UNWRA Chief Warns Agency’s Fate ‘Hangs in the Balance’

In a recent address to the UN General Assembly, UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees) Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini made a passionate appeal to member states. He urged them to support the agency’s critical mandate during this period of unprecedented crisis for both the agency and the region as a whole. Lazzarini’s call comes at a crucial time when the COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated the already dire situation faced by Palestinian refugees.

As the largest humanitarian organization catering to the needs of Palestinian refugees, UNRWA’s mandate is crucial in providing essential services such as education, healthcare, and social services to over 5.6 million registered Palestine refugees. However, the agency is facing a severe funding crisis, with a shortfall of $208 million this year alone.

Lazzarini’s plea to the UN General Assembly is a clarion call for support and solidarity. He emphasized that without immediate action from member states, UNRWA’s ability to provide these essential services will be severely compromised, leaving millions of Palestine refugees vulnerable and underserved.

The Commissioner-General also highlighted the urgent need for a political solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has been ongoing for decades. He stressed that only through a long-overdue political process and a commitment to the two-state solution can there be sustainable peace and stability in the region.

This call for a political solution is not new. In fact, it has been echoed by the international community for years. However, the urgency of the situation has never been greater. As Lazzarini rightly pointed out, “the continued status quo is not an option.” The current situation is not sustainable, and it is the responsibility of the international community to take concrete steps towards a lasting solution.

The Commissioner-General’s remarks come at a time when the region is facing several crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the economic fallout, and the political instability. These issues have further compounded the already challenging circumstances faced by Palestine refugees, making Lazzarini’s call for support all the more crucial.

It is essential for the international community to understand that UNRWA’s mandate is not just about providing humanitarian aid. It is about upholding the rights and dignity of Palestine refugees, who have been forcibly displaced from their homes for over seven decades. UNRWA’s work is essential in ensuring that these refugees have access to basic services and opportunities, which are critical for their well-being and future.

Furthermore, UNRWA’s role goes beyond providing aid. The agency is also a vital part of the international community’s commitment to the two-state solution. It is a symbol of hope for millions of Palestine refugees, who yearn for a better future for themselves and their children. By supporting UNRWA, member states are not just fulfilling their humanitarian obligations; they are also taking a step towards promoting peace and stability in the region.

In his address, Lazzarini also acknowledged the support received from some member states, but he also stressed the need for more contributions. He urged all member states to step up their support for the agency’s mandate, highlighting that every contribution, no matter how big or small, can make a difference in the lives of Palestine refugees.

At a time when the world is facing unprecedented challenges, it is essential to remember the plight of Palestine refugees, who continue to face immense hardship and uncertainty. As the Commissioner-General aptly put it, “Palestine refugees cannot wait, and neither can UNRWA.” The agency needs the support and engagement of all member states to continue its critical work.

In conclusion, Commissioner-General Lazzarini’s call to the UN General Assembly is a plea for humanity. It is a call to acknowledge the plight of Palestine refugees and to take concrete steps towards a lasting solution to the conflict. It is a call for solidarity and support to ensure that UNRWA can continue to provide essential services to millions of vulnerable refugees. Let us all heed this call and work towards a better future for Palestine refugees and the entire region. As members of the international community, it is our responsibility to ensure that no one is left behind, and no one is forgotten.

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